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The UB improves its position in the BGU ranking to 79th in the world

It is the 27th best European university and maintains its leading position in Spain.


The UB and the UAB begin a pioneering collaboration in the training of medical students that is to be extended in the future

The UAB & UB Med Summer School is the first joint action of the two universities, which signed a strategic collaboration agreement last September to cooperate in medicine and health sciences.


From the classroom to the stage

The new edition of Els Vespres d’Estiu will witness the musical emergence of four talents from the university community: Erxart Casas, LaiaLaia, Elo and Bons Nois.


Dialogue between Joan Guàrdia and Jaume Duch on the future of the European Union

The conversation will take place on Monday 8 July at 12.00 noon on the occasion of the presentation of the book 10 elections. A history of the European Parliament at the ballot box (1979-2024).

The FOREU4All project will bring together all European universities to share best practices in the higher education sector

The University of Barcelona and Trinity College Dublin represent the CHARM-EU alliance in this new initiative.


The University of Barcelona and 3Cat join forces to promote best practices in the use of artificial intelligence in the audiovisual sector

The two institutions are promoting a pioneering chair that will address the impact of artificial intelligence on the audiovisual sector, foster research in this field, promote innovation in the media industry and provide practical answers to ethical concerns.


Start of the first Catalan Summer School of Psychology

Academics and professionals from Catalonia and the Balearic Islands meet at the UB to attend a pioneering and collaborative training course.


International summit of experts in nuclear physics at the UB

From 8 to 12 July, the 10th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics will address the scientific challenges of the 21st century in deciphering the nature and phenomena related to the essential constituents of matter in the universe.


The meeting between the UB and the health institutions focuses on the Diagonal Health axis and the major challenges for the future

The rector of the UB stresses the need to “align projects and objectives”.


La Marató de 2018 presents advances in the fight against cancer

Teams from the UB have also participated in this initiative, which is the call with the largest investment in research to date.

Studies offering

All the UB courses